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Maria Antonia Pinto de Matos (20th century) is one of the world’s most respected experts on Chinese export porcelain from the 16th to the 19th centuries and has a particular interest in early pieces destined for the Portuguese market.
She is currently the Director of the National Tile Museum in Lisbon, she was previously Director of the Dr Anastácio Gonçalves Museum, also in Lisbon, and of the Portuguese Institute of National Museums. As well as curating exhibitions both in Portugal and abroad, she has written a number of books on Chinese export porcelain. These have included Chinese Export Porcelain from the Museum of Anastácio Gonçalves, Azul e Branco da China, Chinese Porcelain in the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Chinese Porcelain in the Carmona e Costa Foundation and The Porcelain Route, the latter two in collaboration with other authors, and articles such as Chinese Porcelain in Portuguese Written Sources, among others. She is extremely well qualified to write a seminal work of reference such as The RA Collection of Chinese Ceramics: A Collector’s Vision.
Her specialism is Chinese and European porcelain
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