Pieter Lemmens at WTC The Hague Art Gallery

Danny Bree, Owner Gallerease Gallerease
Danny Bree
Owner Gallerease
43 Articles54 Oeuvres sélectionées

PIETER LEMMENS (1965), "the Amsterdam Limburger" can be admired in the WTC The Hague Art Gallery. We introduce you to his thoughts concentrated in the written word. The paintings are filled with text in his typical handwriting. It is reminiscent of an unreadable script with scribbles, mobile and yet even, causing a certain image to arise. 

If someone knows how to connect the real world with an imaginary ideal world it is Pieter Lemmens. Because within the opaque world we live in, Lemmens searches for complex social, political and economic structures that underlie our society. Structures that are experienced as reality but that take a "turn away" from the reality of truth, which otherwise does not exist for him. For Lemmens, art serves as a metaphor for the reality of the truth.



Lemmens is attracted to drive the place in a witty way with the foolishness of life. As the ultimate resort for a better world, he has been working for years on a new imaginary world, operating under the name Q P & S (Quality, Politics & Society). Within his fictional worldorder he seeks ironic contact with the world of existing things. In this way new ideas and values ​​gradually develop, as in a symbiosis, Display elements come together for the benefit of each other and thus develop organically. By placing his virtual world in reality, the unreal becomes intertwined with the fact.

Lemmens knows how to bring together the dialectics of form and content, movement and tranquility as discourses that are also satisfying as images. Whoever brings the concentration to read his textual cloths will discover that Lemmens knows how to manipulate reality in such a way that a recognizable but at the same time a completely own world is created.

Would you like to see more works of Pieter Lemmens, please have a look at here at Gallerease. Would you like to see the works in real life or would you like to have more information, please contact WTC The HagueArt Gallery.


Written by Danny Bree on 07 Nov 2019, 16:47 Catégorie Art Dealer ProfilesTagged Conseils
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