Art de Vivre Gallery and Design

North Palm Beach, United States

7 oevres d'art5 artists

À propos du marchand d'art

Welcome to a corner of France in the heart of the Sunshine State! The artworks shown in our Contemporary Art Gallery is of iconic imagery inspired by emerging, but also often internationally renowned street artists. Their work, originally considered vandalism, is now foundational imagery for the... Read more

Welcome to a corner of France in the heart of the Sunshine State! The artworks shown in our Contemporary Art Gallery is of iconic imagery inspired by emerging, but also often internationally renowned street artists. Their work, originally considered vandalism, is now foundational imagery for the French Pop-Art movement, using the essentials of urban culture, and highlighting the movement with captivating sculptures, colorful murals, canvases, and contemporary paintings. Art de Vivre Gallery offers a wide variety of paintings, sculptures and other art objects inspired by pop-art and street art, and we are committed to sending you home with the pieces you love. We are here to help you start collecting art, or assist in helping grow your collection…

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Artistes en vedette


1978 -2 oeuvres d'art à vendre
Elmago est un artiste français né en 1978 à Marseille. Artiste autodidacte, il commence à...


2 oeuvres d'art à vendre
Daru est un dessinateur et Street Artist français. Il dessine depuis l'enfance, passant de la caricature...

Meurice, Fred

1 oeuvre d'art à vendre
Fred Meurice est un artiste français contemporain. Il a commencé son parcours créatif avec une...

Van Apple, Diederick

1985 -1 oeuvre d'art à vendre
Diederik van Apple est né et a grandi à Leiden, aux Pays-Bas, en 1985. Durant son enfance, Diederik...

G., Geraldine

1 oeuvre d'art à vendre
Après avoir passé plusieurs années derrière un bureau en tant qu'avocate experte,...
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