Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns
Gazelle by Adrianus Remiëns

Gazelle 1920 - 1922

Adrianus Remiëns

7 ⨯ 10 ⨯ 3 cm
Prezzo su richiesta

Dille Art

  • A proposito di opere d'arte
    Beautiful stylized small bronze of a gazelle, a work by the Amsterdam sculptor Adrianus Remiëns (1890-1972).
    The gazelle is signed with his monogram "A.R." and has a beautiful warm brown patina.

    Adrianus Remiëns (Amsterdam, 1890-1972) was not only a sculptor, but also a painter and draftsman. He was educated at the Amsterdam Drawing School for Art Crafts, his teacher was the well known Joseph Mendes da Costa.

    In addition to being a painter, he was mainly a sculptor of human and animal figures, mask heads and reliefs in a Symbolist Expressionist style. His sculptures were very stylized with little detail. This is also clearly reflected in the gazelle. He worked for Kunstaardewerkfabriek Regina in Gouda and Winkelman en van der Bijl, who also executed some of his designs in bronze. In addition, he also collaborated with the famous architect Berlage, for example, and designed building sculptures and facade ornaments for Amsterdam School blocks, including on Mercatorplein.

    During his life he lived and worked in Amsterdam, Blaricum and Laren. He was a member of various artists' groups, such as the Dutch Circle of Sculptors, St. Lukas, The Independents and the Association for B.K. Laren-Blaricum.

    His work can also be found in Dutch museums, for example the Centraal Museum in Utrecht has a bronze deer by him in their collection

    - 'De beeldhouwer Adrianus Remiëns', A.M. de Jong, J. Emmering, Amsterdam, 1929.
    - 'Kunstnijverheid in Nederland 1880-1940' Titus M. Eliëns, Marjan Groot, Frans Leidelmeijer. V+K Publishing/Inmerc, Bussum, 1997. P. 80-81, 238
    - ‘Wat is art nouveau & art deco waard', deel I&II, redactie Rob Zeegers Janny Stuurman-Aalbers en Reinold Stuurman, Uitgeverij Scriptum Art , Schiedam, NL en Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, Gent, België, 2001. Deel I, p. 177, Deel II, p .242.
    - ‘Wat zijn sculpturen waard', Redactie Janny Stuurman-Aalbers & Reinold Stuurman, Uitgeverij Scriptum Art , Schiedam, NL, 2014. P. 58, 195, 249.
  • A proposito di opere artista

    Adrianus Remiëns (Amsterdam, 1890-1972) non fu solo scultore, ma anche pittore e disegnatore. Ha studiato alla Amsterdam Drawing School for Art Crafts, il suo insegnante era Joseph Mendes da Costa.

    Oltre ad essere pittore, fu principalmente scultore di figure umane e animali, teste di maschere e rilievi in ​​stile espressionista simbolista. Le sue sculture erano molto stilizzate con pochi dettagli. Questo si riflette chiaramente anche nella gazzella. Ha lavorato per la Kunstaardewerkfabriek Regina a Gouda e Winkelman e van der Bijl ha anche eseguito i suoi disegni in bronzo. Inoltre, ha anche collaborato con Berlage, ad esempio, e ha progettato sculture di edifici e ornamenti per facciate per i blocchi della scuola di Amsterdam, inclusa la Mercatorplein.

    Durante la sua vita ha vissuto e lavorato ad Amsterdam ea Blaricum e Laren. È stato membro di vari gruppi di artisti, come il Dutch Circle of Sculptors, St. Lukas, The Independents e l'Association for B.K. Laren-Blaricum.

    Le sue opere si trovano anche nei musei olandesi, ad esempio il Centraal Museum di Utrecht ha un suo cervo in bronzo nella sua collezione.

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