Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter
Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" by Georg Ruyter

Mid-Century Modern Dutch Oil Painting "Composition in White, Black and Blue" 1961

Georg Ruyter

Olio originale su tela
70 ⨯ 60 ⨯ 2 cm
€ 2.000 - 3.000

The Millen House

  • A proposito di opere d'arte
    This rare and significant work by George Ruyter captures his journey through various phases of modern art. Ruyter’s career from 1928 to 1960 encompassed figurative work, including drawings, wall paintings, frescoes, and mosaics. In 1941, he joined the Vereeniging Sint Lucas in Amsterdam, and in 1943, he became a member of the Amsterdam Independents. Post-1945, Ruyter began exploring geometric abstraction, and by 1968, his style evolved into Concrete art. In 1974, Museum Fodor in Amsterdam dedicated an exhibition to his work, underscoring his influence in the art world. Reflecting on his process in the *Catalog Fodor 20*, Ruyter wrote: “In general, I work with two opposing elements, which together form a totality that is both static and dynamic. I call it concrete design, something that asserts itself and is based on the properties of the surface and the material to be used. From this also follows the color scheme for each painting.” This approach is evident in his compositions, where structure, material, and color coalesce into unified yet dynamic visual statements.
  • A proposito di opere artista

    Georg Ruyter (1913–1982) è stato un importante pittore e grafico di Amsterdam, la cui carriera riflette un profondo impegno con stili artistici in evoluzione, dall'astrazione figurativa e geometrica al movimento dell'arte concreta. Nato e cresciuto ad Amsterdam, Ruyter ha intrapreso il suo viaggio artistico nel 1928, quando ha iniziato a formarsi come insegnante di disegno. Dal 1933 al 1937, ha perfezionato la sua arte presso la Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten di Amsterdam, dove ha ricevuto un'istruzione formale in pittura.

    Dopo aver completato i suoi studi, Ruyter ha trascorso cinque anni formativi vivendo ad Haarlem e nella città frisone di Sloten. Questo periodo gli ha permesso di immergersi nei paesaggi sereni e nella quiete che spesso hanno influenzato i suoi temi artistici. Alla fine è tornato ad Amsterdam, dove ha trascorso il resto della sua vita, consolidando il suo posto all'interno della vivace comunità artistica della città.

    Il repertorio artistico di Ruyter includeva paesaggi, nature morte e ritratti, mostrando la sua versatilità e abilità tecnica. I suoi primi lavori aderiscono a uno stile figurativo, incorporando occasionalmente elementi di astrazione geometrica. Tuttavia, dopo il 1958, il suo stile si è evoluto in modo significativo, spostandosi verso l'arte concreta, una forma di astrazione caratterizzata dalla sua attenzione alla forma pura e al colore, indipendente da riferimenti esterni.

    Come membro attivo di De Onafhankelijken (The Independents) e dell'associazione degli artisti di St. Lucas, Ruyter era profondamente coinvolto nella scena artistica olandese, contribuendo a mostre e discorsi artistici. Il suo lavoro esplorava l'interazione di elementi opposti, che descriveva come formanti una "totalità che è sia statica che dinamica". Si riferiva al suo approccio come konkrete vormgeving (design concreto), sottolineando le proprietà intrinseche della superficie e dei materiali che impiegava.

    La filosofia e la metodologia artistica di Ruyter sottolineavano il suo impegno nel creare opere autoreferenziali, esistenti puramente come espressioni di forma e materiale. Il suo approccio unico lo ha posizionato come una figura chiave nell'arte olandese di metà del XX secolo, colmando il divario tra tendenze tradizionali e moderniste.

    Oggi, Georg Ruyter è ricordato per il suo approccio intellettuale all'arte e la sua capacità di integrare perfettamente elementi contrastanti in composizioni coese. La sua eredità permane nell'apprezzamento delle sue opere, che continuano ad affascinare il pubblico con il loro equilibrio di forma, struttura ed emozione.

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