Zinq Watch 2023
Artista Sconosciuto
200 ⨯ 97 cm
€ 17.500
CJS Gallery
- A proposito di opere d'arteArtist: Zinq Design
Title: Zinq Watch
Technique: Zinq/Brass/Bronze
Size: 200x97x12 cm, around 65 kg
Edition: 1/1, unique
“Zinq Watch” stands as a monumental testament to both the artistry of its creator and the timeless allure of luxury timepieces. Handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, this oversized replica of a Rolex watch commands attention with its sheer size and distinctive materials.
Measuring a staggering 20 times larger than a standard Rolex, “Zinq Watch” is a bold reinterpretation of an iconic symbol of status and sophistication. Crafted from a blend of zinc, brass, and bronze, the materials chosen for this piece add an intriguing depth and texture to its design.
The craftsmanship of “Zinq Watch” is evident in every aspect of its construction. From the precision-cut components to the intricately detailed markings, each element is a testament to the skill and dedication of its creator.
What truly sets “Zinq Watch” apart, however, is the addition of the Rolex branding, which is not merely stamped or engraved, but rather revealed through a unique chemical reaction. The Rolex logo emerges multiple times on the accompanying plate, adding a touch of authenticity to this extraordinary artwork.
As a one-of-a-kind creation, “Zinq Watch” holds a special place in the world of art and design. It is more than just a sculpture; it is a statement piece that challenges perceptions of value and authenticity. By elevating a familiar object to larger-than-life proportions and incorporating unexpected materials, “Zinq Watch” prompts viewers to reconsider their understanding of luxury and craftsmanship.
In essence, “Zinq Watch” is a celebration of creativity, craftsmanship, and the enduring appeal of luxury. It invites viewers to marvel at its scale and intricacy while contemplating the complex interplay between art, commerce, and cultural symbolism - A proposito di opere artista
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