A portrait of Sultan Hamengkubuwana VIII of Yogyakarta (1880-1939) 1925 - 1928
Artista Desconhecido
Óleo sobre tela original
103 ⨯ 86 cm
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Zebregs & Röell - Fine Art - Antiques
- Sobre arteA portrait of Sultan Hamengkubuwana VIII of Yogyakarta (1880-1939)
Java, Yogyakarta, circa 1925-1928
Oil on canvas, H. 103.5 x W. 86 cm
Private collection, Indonesia
Sultan Hamengkubuwana VIII (March 3, 1880 – October 22, 1939), born as Gusti Raden Mas Sujadi) was a ruler of the Yogyakarta Sultanate. He was inaugurated as the Sultanon February 8, 1921 and ruled until his death in 1939. During Hamengkubuwana VIII's reign, the Yogyakarta Sultanate used substantial funds for various activities, including financing the sultanate's schools. Many of Hamengkubuwana VIII's sons were well-educated, with many studying in the Netherlands. Among them was Gusti Raden Mas Dorojatun, who would later ascend the throne as Hamengkubuwana IX, who attended Leiden University.
During his reign, he oversaw the extensive renovation of the Yogyakarta Palace complex buildings before in bad shape. Notable among these is the Bangsal Pagelaran located at the very front (directly south of the northern Alun-alun of Yogyakarta). Other renovated buildings include the tratag Siti Hinggil, the Donopratopo Gate, and the Great Mosque.
The sultan died on October 22, 1939, presumably on a train in the Wates area, Kulon Progo, while returning from Batavia (Jakarta) to pick up Gusti Raden Mas Dorojatun who just returned from the Netherlands. Other sources state that he passed away at the Onder de Bogen hospital (now Panti Rapih Hospital) after falling ill on the train in the Kroya area. Gusti Raden Mas Dorojatun, who had not yet finished his studies, was suddenly called home. In Batavia, the Sultan handed over the Kyai Ageng Joko Piturun keris to Gusti Raden Mas Dorojatun as a symbol of royal succession, indicating that Gusti Raden Mas Dorojatun would be the next Sultan. - Sobre artista
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