Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson
Dreaming of flying by Leo Bengtson

Dreaming of flying 2023

Leo Bengtson

100 ⨯ 120 ⨯ 3 cm
€ 6.000

Art de Vivre Gallery and Design

  • Sobre arte
    Dreaming of flying

    Acrylic paint on canvas
  • Sobre artista

    Recentemente radicado em Paris, Leo Bengtson é um jovem artista apaixonado pela arte e pelas viagens, que no seu trabalho mistura a arquitetura e a Pop Art de Andy Warhol para criar obras poderosas, sóbrias e vivas ao mesmo tempo. Ou o espectador imerso num universo sofisticado e colorido que evoca o savoir vivre e o movimento da Arquitectura Paisagista.

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